Sunday, June 26, 2011

Honey Bee Project: Day 157

Back On Track!

Two days ago I was talking about the materials and supplies for this Honey Bee. I'm not sure where my brain was when I was throwing in the black sweater for the body. These bees have a yellow body with black striping, for goodness sakes! I am amending my materials list and will be using yellow for the body and black for the stripes. (Back on track in more ways than one...)

Here I go with tonight's makings:

Body pattern pinned to the fabric. This is not sweater fabric--I'm so sorry--I didn't have anything remotely close to the right color for this, so I am using the yellow wool skirt that I had used for my Pencil Case back in February.
Also, I am not talking anatomically correct for my Bee. He will just be a cute, soft, cuddly one. 

He needs antennae, so here I am cutting off a sweater seam for them.

The two fabric pieces are now stitched around 3 sides.
What is that black bump at the top?

Endearing Antennae  :-]

I was thinking that stuffing him now is a bit cart-before-the-horse because I usually like to stitch faces, buttons, and other details when it is still easy. However, in this case I want to see how the body shapes up, get a feel for the Little Critter, then put the finishing touches on him. I want to get to know him so I can depict him in his real character. It will not be as easy, but I can better place his eyes, mouth, stripes, etc that way.

You haven't seen Katzenberg lately. He was helping me by falling asleep under  the chair. Can you believe it, he actually is using the leg of the chair for a pillow. He must be VERY tired!

My little Stuffed Creature.
Between now and tomorrow I will get to know him better and can add his details.

See you then.

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